- Service fee additions can now be set as ‘cancellable’ – previously if an addition corresponded to a non-zero minimum invoice quantity, then the addition had to be priced and then deleted from the open invoice if the item was not required
- When creating a new clinical note, the purpose from any matching appointment (same day and same animal) will be copied automatically into the ‘history’ section. This behaviour can be suppressed by setting the global configuration flag ‘SuppressCopyApptPurposeIntoNote’
- System can now optionally prompt user for confirmation when deleting a single item from an open invoice – to enable this set the global configuration flag ‘ConfirmOpenInvoiceItemDelete’
- The system ‘active date’ can now be set into the future – this is controlled by the global configuration value ‘ForwardDateMargin’
- A facility now exists to print a listing of all animal details (eg. weight, name, date of birth, chip number etc.). To use open the ‘client details’ screen, right-click the appropriate animal in the list of pets for the client, then choose option ‘print pet details’
- Weight charts can now be created. To use open the ‘client details’ screen, right-click the appropriate animal in the list of pets for the client, then choose option ‘create weight chart’. This will extract all historical weights for the animal from the clinical history and copy them to an Excel spreadsheet where they are used to create a ‘line graph’ which can be resized as required by the user. The Excel spreadsheet is saved on the client’s ‘Notes and Documents’ screen.
- Both drugs and service fees can now be marked as ‘Hide if free of charge”. Such items will have their displayed description prefixed with [HideIfFOC] and will not appear on printed invoices and/or itemised account statements if they are priced at zero.
- The displayed date information for notes now includes the time. To revert to default behaviour set the global configuration flags ‘ClinicalNotesFormatDateOnly’ and ‘NotesFormatDateOnly’
For further information re. version numbers etc. see the earlier post.